Looking For A Personal Trainer Near Me?

The first step to fitness is to find a personal trainer near you so if you need a Brisbane Northside gym we are ready. At Recharged Personal Training we’ve seen hundreds of people turn a one-second internet search into life-changing results: stronger, fitter, energised new lives. Today you can choose a personal trainer who can propel your intention into motivation with a personal trainer program and fitness classes. It only takes one class to start your transformation and activate the energy you didn’t know you had.

Message or call Recharged Personal Training now and you’ve made the one-second decision to change your life!

“I was doing yoga at home and running occasionally but getting nowhere. In 6 months with Gary I had lost my baby belly, had arm definition and strong lean legs. I’ll never waste time at a gym again!”

The Personal Trainer Near Me Is The One Who Works

Motivation and commitment can be slippery to act on. Who hasn’t woken up committed to going to the gym or doing some exercise only to finish a long day on the couch, exhausted? Outsource your best intentions to a personal trainer who will keep your focus and commitment to your fitness goals. It feels bad to disappoint a friend so stop letting yourself down! Let Recharged Personal Training keep your word with our relaxed private studio, easy parking and proven results.

Start Your Affordable Personal Training At Recharged PT

The most expensive fitness choice is to do nothing- you’ll pay your whole life! At Recharged PT you can:

  • start gently with our group fitness classes or
  • kickstart a full body change with an initial intensive personal fitness plan and then
  • drop back to a maintenance schedule once you see the results.

Visit our services to select a fitness program that suits your budget and motivation.

Personal Trainer

Message us now and start the change you’ll see tomorrow

  • Today

    Book a studio tour

  • Tomorrow

    Start a personal fitness plan


  • Next month

    Feel more energised

  • In Three Months

    Notice Your Clothes Fit Better

    In Three Months

  • In Six Months

    Full Body Transformation

Book Your Studio Tour