a man and his son doing a thumbs up in active wear

Finding workout motivation is a struggle for most of our clients at first. Often the underlying reason is more subtle than the excuse provided. Some of our top excuses and the simple rebuttals are:

  • I’m too tired -> exercise will increase energy and improve sleep.
  • I don’t have time -> commit to a regular routine (your session times can change but at least 2 workouts a week) and time will fold itself around this commitment.
  • I’m sick/ injured -> most workouts can be adapted to support injuries and improve your recovery. If you are temporarily sick, you’ll get better or if you have a chronic illness our private studio is the most hygienic way to keep fit and reduce exposure to germs.

Over 15 years in business has proven that Recharged clients rarely get sick and when they do it’s not for long. Excuses are based in fear:

  • Fear that changes will be hard.
  • Fear that you won’t live up to your own expectations.
  • Fear that once you see change happening, you can’t deny that the effort is worth the reward.

We know that starting is hard and consistency is vital which is why Recharged Personal Training has some ingenious policies to keep your workout motivation alive.

a man and his son doing a thumbs up in active wear

Using psychology to leverage workout motivation.


The biggest barrier to your success is your own mind. In the midst of physical effort, you will tell yourself it’s too hard and you can’t do it. This will subliminally limit you when your actual maximum potential hasn’t been met. 

To overcome this, Recharged Personal trainers use the social connection of our clients to lift the ceiling on their effort. We use strategies such as:

  • Monthly challenges to focus clients on a single task (e.g. maximum push-ups) to show incremental improvements. The leader board will show who is at a similar level and motivate clients to improve on their last result and edge ahead of the others.
  • 24 hour cancellation policy to reduce last minute cancellations. A business coach who specialises in personal training suggested a 24 hour cancellation policy to reduce the late evening and early morning ‘sick’ cancellations. We take illness seriously and ask clients to stay home if unwell however most cancellations within 24 hours are avoidance. Removing that excuse has significantly improved client attendance and results. We don’t mess around- you deserve the fitness your higher self is chasing.
  • Late arrival group consequences make your mistake everyone’s responsibility. We used to make late clients do one burpee for every minute they were late i.e 13 minutes equals 13 burpees. Our clients would accept this a little too readily. Now if a client is late, the other clients at the gym have to do the burpees. This may seem diabolical however it is far more effective at ensuring you arrive on time. We may be brutal but great results don’t come easily!

two male personal trainers either side of a client with a Client of the Year award

Let us be the workout motivation you are looking for.


Personal trainers are cost effective, accountable coaches to ensure your physical effort is backed up by your mental focus. When your only job is to arrive at the studio on time, you relieve yourself of the mental load and inner fight. The savings on a weekly gym membership are lost when you spend the week battling your own excuses. We accept no excuses! Sign up today and relax into the health and fitness you’ve been chasing.two women side by side on rowing machines while other people workout on gym equpiment in the background

Make the call to Recharged Personal Training now!

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