woman doing a backwards yoga pose on a rock by the ocean

Fitness hacks are strategies you can use to improve your workouts. Sometimes they are techniques like how to position your elbows during tricep pushdowns (tuck and lock them). Sometimes fitness hacks are ways to balance your workout such as alternating between upper body (arm-day) and lower-body (leg-day). However, there is one fitness hack ALL personal trainers use: accountability.

Showing up is the #1 struggle.

Consistency is the key to any workout. It doesn’t matter if you lift weights, Zumba, ballroom dance or do synchronised swimming. If you examine the routine of any fit person, you will see a dedicated lifestyle spanning years of consistent effort. Don’t feel disheartened if that hasn’t happened for you! Our magic word is ‘yet’.

Personal trainers begin with the habit of showing up to a dedicated session. When you book in at our studio, you have two people showing up to support your fitness goals: us and you. We know you already feel guilty when you don’t meet the activity and health goals you set for yourself. We transfer that guilt to the guilt of not showing up to a session where you develop your strength, empower your will and receive the health benefits of a strong and active body. Our trainers will text you the day before to remind you of your session and we do not accept cancellations within 24 hours. This is to support your commitment to the sessions and shut-down the last minute “I’m too tired” feeling. It will pass.older woman in white shirt and black leggings doing yoga

Fitness hacks become lifelong habits.

If you are ready to make the change and move the guilt out of your life, we can help. Book in for a studio tour and let us make the effort with you. It only takes a few weeks of showing up consistently to see and feel the difference a regular routine can make. We won’t let life get in the way of making your commitment become the results you are chasing.

The first step is turning up. Do that every week and the rest will take care of itself.blurred image of cyclist in motion

Message Recharged Personal Training to hack into your new life.

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