Shoulder exercises are often overlooked when working out. Your shoulders are the frame of your body; they establish your posture and anchor your upper body when working your core. A common issue is not anchoring the shoulder blades back and down to the spine when using pulling motions. This can overstress your back muscles and lead to neck pain and inefficient patterns of exercise. woman in red shirt doing pull ups

Shoulder exercises: the foundations

The number one exercise to perfect is the push up with perfect shoulder engagement. This means engaging your shoulder blades back and down, locking them in with your back muscles. From here you can press your chest to touch the ground for maximum depth. Begin with up to 5 reps with precise technique. You can go all the way to the ground and rest, then push to straight (not locked) arms from the ground if that helps. Your focus is on your form- record yourself to see where you need to correct your body.

personal trainer guiding a woman through shoulder exercises

Exploring the shoulders from a solid base

Once you understand how your shoulders feel when in the correct position, you can explore other exercises. Some of our favourites are:

  • Barbell Overhead Press

  • Half-Kneeling Landmine Press

  • Wide-Grip Seated Row

Use a friend or personal trainer to watch you closely. They can spot micro-adjustments you can make to ensure the shoulders are developing in harmony with your effort. Once you establish the body feedback and muscle memory of correct technique you will appreciate the difference good form can make!

Start as you wish to continue

Effective workouts all follow the same formula:

  • an appropriate warm up,

  • perfect technique and

  • stretching

Investing in the proper form at the beginning saves you from injury, ineffective activity and frustration when the gains don’t appear. To fast-track your success, use a personal trainer to design a routine of complementary exercises to work your entire body. Cardiovascular activity works in tandem with strength training to balance stamina and strength. Book in with Recharged Training for a high impact, exciting routine tailored to your strengths and weaknesses.woman doing push up handstands against a wall

The first shoulder exercise is to give us a call!

Choosing a gym around me can be tricky if you aren’t sure what you want. The best way to decide is to search “gyms around me” or “gym + your suburb” and rank them based on your needs.

Some questions to ask yourself are:

  • Do I want to be instructed in proper technique and shown how to do a range of machines, free weights and bodyweight exercises? If yes, you want a personal trainer.

  • Do I want to work out with other people in a group fitness class? If yes, you want group fitness classes.

  • Do I want to commit to a regular training time or be flexible and spontaneous? If you want to be spontaneous, a 24 hour gym will suit you.two women holding heavy weights in front of them for the studio challenge

What do you want from your gym?

Lots of gyms will offer shower facilities, child-minding, class timetables and personal training. In the 15 years we have been training clients, we’ve realised the two most important two things your gym needs to have are:

  • A convenient location

  • Exercises you want to do

If you are highly self motivated then finding a gym with the machines or classes you like will be fairly easy and you can explore the cheapest or most convenient option. If you need support staying accountable then you need a personal trainer or a gym buddy you don’t want to let down.personal trainer helping woman on leg press machine

Set up the habit and review in 6 weeks

Committing to a 6 week program of personal training, group fitness classes or a combination will make sure you get the results you deserve for the money you spend. It doesn’t have to be a formal program- just make the commitment. Until you get the positive feedback from your body from consistent exercise, it can feel hard to make the time. Making a financial commitment and setting a goal for 6 weeks gives you a measurable, time bound goal which you can review at the end to make sure you have made the right choice. Don’t lock yourself into a contract if you haven’t established a committed exercise routine yet. All you will achieve is paying ‘fitness tax’ to avoid going. Use a buddy or personal trainer to keep you coming back!personal trainer spotting man on barbell lift

If you are near Virginia, contact us today to see if our timetable matches yours!