a woman in gym gear in january and then in march

I have a confession. I’ve been training with Recharged for over 13 years but I got complacent. I had put on 10kg over two years and it wasn’t shifting. Incremental increases over time. How did this happen?

It wasn’t hard to work out. I’d been through COVID then studying then working and I realised I was shoving bags of chips in my mouth washed down with red wine every night. Christmas 2021 was the final straw- I felt disgusting. I’d kept up my bi-weekly training but the things I was doing outside the gym were sabotaging me. So I asked for help.

How I lost 10kg in 3 months and gained my focus.

I knew my eating patterns were dysfunctional and unhealthy. I spoke to Bryce, the nutritional expert, in-between sessions who quickly set me up with some macronutrient goals. I started tracking what I ate and made simple adjustments every day until my goals were in target. I wasn’t hungry anymore! I was eating soft cheese and smoothies and quinoa bowls with glee knowing I was fueling my body in a positive way.

Then I focused on my attitude in my personal training. Gary is upbeat and insists on a positive attitude in sessions because that approach gets results and lifts up the other people training around me. I stopped whining (mostly) and got on with it. We added some extra exercises to work towards athletic goals I had in my chosen sport (skating) which kept me motivated.

It works.

I genuinely thought I was too old to get really fit and healthy. I believed I’d crossed into middle age (40) and had to accept the ‘natural’ changes in my body. Not true. I had to accept that wine and chips are not the foundation of a great lifestyle. So I gave up alcohol. At first this was very hard and I was extremely cranky. I slept a lot. Then I realised I had been pushing through my natural rhythms for years and not getting the rest I needed. After a few weeks I was waking refreshed and energised. The yearning to ‘zone out’ with booze became focused in books, movies, games and walking the dog.

I was free! And the results show.a woman in gym gear in january and then in march

Your goals are your own.

Not everyone wants to – or needs to- lose weight.

Bodies come in many shapes and sizes and they adapt to the lifestyle of the person who uses them. You might love gardening or rock climbing or cycling. You may be short or tall. Your body may have injuries or limitations which require adaptations. These aren’t barriers, they are features to be managed. But I hope you don’t fight with yourself the way I did for so long before you make the changes you may secretly want.

(Written by a current Recharged Personal Training client)

Contact Recharged if you want to see what is possible.

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