Recently our resident nutritional guru Bryce ran a seminar on the common mistakes and core knowledge you need to take charge of your nutritional needs. Our clients work hard in their sessions but want to maximise their results, nutrition adjustment is the next step. Bryce gathered the misconceptions of the room and set to work replacing myths with proven strategies to transform your eating habits.

Nutrition misunderstandings. Macros explained.

In his seminar Bryce broke down what calories actually are and how they relate to the three macronutrients: protein, fat and carbohydrates (and the effect of alcohol). Each one of these effects the body differently and to achieve optimal results you need a tailored meal plan with target ratios of each macronutrient. bowl of tofu and greens

Common mistakes:

The main barriers to people getting results when adjusting their diets are:

  • Counting calories but not balancing macronutrients
  • Poor timing of foods (not just what you eat, but when)
  • Understanding food labels.

Bryce worked with each attendee to broadly establish their nutrition goals, develop a caloric intake number and allocate ideal macronutrients to assist each person in meal planning. The freedom in this style of flexible eating is that you decide which foods help you reach those macronutrients.

When can I attend a seminar?

The next seminar will be scheduled in a few weeks to check in with the clients who set up their goals and make any adjustments if needed. If this sounds like something you are interested in then you can email or text us your details to express interest or book in for a private session and get your tailored meal plan right now!

Text 0416 198 650 or email about nutrition with Bryce!

man on assault bike

Are you short on time, money, and motivation? You may wonder “what is the best workout to do at the gym near me?”. The “best workout” really depends on what you are trying to achieve. There are two ways Recharged can help you to find your perfect workout:

  • Personal Training: experience a tailored workout customised to your fitness goals and temperament to ensure you are never cutting corners. You can team up with one or two friends to get costs down to $25 a session!

  • Group Fitness Classes: our personal trainers take the most effective exercises and combine them in weekly fitness class for all abilities. These circuit classes include boxercise, HIIT workouts and flowing Vinyasa yoga. Our class pass makes 10 sessions affordable at just $11 per class ($110 for the pass). two women doing core exercises with a personal trainer

Which workout will suit me?

You can see the variety we offer but which option is right for you? Have a look at these client profiles and see if you can relate:

  • Reluctant but ready: you might have had a health scare or feel the weight of poor health holding you back from happiness. We understand. Starting with a personal trainer once a week is the most gentle way to build confidence and stay motivated to continue a new program. We will build up your major muscle groups with weights and slowly turn up the dial on cardio until your step gets the pep you are looking for!
    Recommendation: personal training

  • Fit, focussed and short on time: you have the energy and motivation but need to get the best out of your body. You want an expert to make sure your technique is tight, you are making gains and new challenges are set and met on the regular. You don’t have time to mess around and know when you stride through the door, the session is ON!
    Recommendation: personal training and HIIT group fitness.

  • Variety is everything: You’ve tried yoga, running, cycling, swimming, team sports, home workouts, phone apps and social clubs. You love variety and novelty so eventually you tire of the one activity and want to move on to something new!
    Recommendation: personal training and group fitness class pass.

man and son using blaze pods on a mirror
Want to know more? Text the studio on 0416 198 650

four peopel working out in a private stNow is the perfect time to search “fitness near me”, do you know why? It is because you are ready. The fact you are searching means you want to be working on your fitness and seeing results. And results are what matter: strong mind, healthy heart, confident body. It doesn’t matter your age, gender or any barriers to health you may have. We’ve seen it and we can help you. Come and see our neat studio tucked away in Virginia (easy parking) and experience the tailored programs we offer as part of our personal training or group fitness classes.

What can I expect?

If you are after a fitness program we first need to understand what fitness means to you:

  • Do you have a particular goal in mind such as a triathlon?

  • Do you want to not puff when you walk up the stairs at work?

  • Do 3 pull ups or 5 push ups easily?

  • Keep up your energy with your kids/ partner/ siblings?

Once we know your fitness vision we can establish a program to reach those goals and monitor your progress each session so you aren’t getting stuck in rut. Using a personal trainer is invaluable to keep you motivated, accountable and to make sure all your effort is worth it!two woman next to each other sweaty from fitness

I don’t like weights/ cardio.

Maybe you’ve had a bad experience with gyms or trainers in the past. Maybe it was school athletics which traumatised you (many clients feel the same)? We will partner with you to find the right exercises for your fitness level and incrementally adjust them. Often our clients come to us elated with a new passion for weights or cardio because they realise they were not given proper instruction and support the first time they tried it. No one starts as an expert, let our experience guide you to success. woman holding phone while another woman exercises with blaze pods

If you are ready to find fitness, call or text!

sunset over the brisbane river and story bridge

If you search “personal trainer cost Brisbane” you might be looking for a dollar amount (the average price is $60 but it ranges from $35 – $100). However the true price is a bit more complicated. Because the money you pay per session isn’t the only price: you also have travel, motivation, hygiene and compatibility. Here is some pricing you haven’t considered…

Cancellation fee.


Getting hit with a cancellation fee from a gym sucks. But the true cancellation fee is the one you issue to yourself when you don’t turn up to your session. You might be feeling ‘a bit run down’ or decide your scratchy throat is the start of something serious. However we have found that 90% of these are excuses.

We have a 24 hour cancellation policy (you pay for the session if you cancel within 24 hours) because we actually want you to turn up.

And since we introduced this policy, our clients have been more consistent and committed than ever. You know if you are really sick (and please, stay home and get well) but sometimes the best cure is a solid sweat. woman doing squats with a red resistance band

Group training

Personal trainers provide tailored fitness programs and supervise your workout to ensure your technique is good and you don’t cut corners. However you can still have a personal experience in a group of two or three! A great way to cut costs and still get a high quality workout is to team up with one or two mates and share the cost. For as little as $25 each you could be getting million dollar service and keep each other motivated. What are you waiting for?shoes, watch, dumbells and resistance band lain artfully on the floor

COVID safe

Heavy breathing and lots of sweat can happen when you are working out. In busy, high traffic gyms this can increase your risk of exposure to COVID. Our small studio is rigorously cleaned to protect our clients and their loved ones from exposure. Our hygiene protocols (handwashing on entry and BYO towels and water bottles) are just simple habits we put in place to ensure your safety. Many of our clients work in first responder and essential service roles so we take protecting them, and our community, seriously. Our compact studio has everything you need without the foot traffic.

Contact us for a studio tour or book a session!