If you search for “best personal trainer” or “personal fitness trainer near me” you will end up trying to decide from a website and some online photos if the gym will get results when the real person behind the results is YOU! You may not have your fitness recipe for success yet however you will know what you like to do with your body, what you hate and where you want your fitness journey to take you. You need a personal fitness trainer who will take the understanding you already have about yourself and develop a tailored plan to make your workouts work.


Results = effort + enthusiasm x consistency


Your body and mind are like siblings- they work together until they don’t and then fights start. If you want to stick to a fitness program you need to be honest with your personal trainer about what exercises you like, what you hate and the objections and excuses your mind will throw at you. Guess what? We’ve heard them all and they are valid. Our job is to get you through the door and let your body convince you that you made the right choice. Which it will (but not till the end of the workout). Stop fighting with your mind and body and let us gang up on them with you!

man watching woman work out on skierg machine

“Can you make me look like <insert ideal person here>?”


No. And we wouldn’t if we could. Positive mental health is as important as physical health and chasing the physique of someone else won’t bring you that. Instead we will work with you to feel fitter, stronger and more energised which will be far more rewarding than chasing a fake ideal. Your body does an amazing job getting you through the day and we want to make that machine even more powerful. Your personal trainer will make sure your cardio and strength are challenged in a personalised routine with enough consistency to see results and enough variety to stop you getting bored.

slender woman in cut-out monokini showing off abdominal muscles

“How do I choose the best personal fitness trainer near me?”


The best way to choose a personal fitness trainer is to meet them and have a frank discussion about your goals. You will quickly decide if they are the right fit and if you like the atmosphere of the gym or studio. Ideally you want to see your personal trainer consistently for six to twelve months so try at least three different gyms before you choose your personal trainer. Then stick with it and discover how easy it was to reach those fitness dreams.

Gary, TC, Bryce and Brian standing and smiling

Message us to meet our trainers Gary, Bryce, TC and Brian.

Group workout classes for 2022 are filling up but we always have space for YOU! If you haven’t magically woken up at 5am every morning in 2021 to drink a glass of lemon water and salute the sun or do a cheeky 5km run that is ok, but don’t lie to yourself in 2022. Here are three reasons group workout classes will change your life this year:

1. You WILL work out.

The fact is that peer pressure works. If you walk in our doors with your towel and drink bottle, you have already committed to and completed your session. It might be hard and you might want to walk out again but the pride you have to not give up will push you through the workout and the pride you feel at the end of the workout will make it all worthwhile. All you need to do is turn up and we promise the rest will happen.woman making peace sign while on exercise bicycle

2. Bigger effort, better results.

There is something about sweating in a room full of people who are striving as hard as you. You will just get more juice out of your fitness session! It can be easy to cut corners on the reps or go soft on the weights when you run your own workout at home or in a big gym. There is no hiding in our group workout classes. Everyone is pumping to the music and encouraging each other on. It might feel like forever in the moment but the vibe has you sailing through the class in no time at all!a studio full of peopole exercising on different machines

3. Variety keeps your mind AND body busy.

Sometimes we can get too comfortable doing the same YouTube workout or regular running route and the gains start to plateau or drop away. Habit is essential to get a steady fitness routine in place however you also need variety to challenge your muscles and keep your brain connected to your breath, posture and technique. Our group fitness classes constantly change the circuit and timing of your workout to make sure you don’t get complacent. When you are partnering with another person you can learn as much by copying or correcting their technique as you can doing it yourself!woman on exercise bike with man working out near mirror in background

Check out our group workout classes and buy a 10 class pass to commit to your personal recharge!

Gary, TC, Bryce and Brian standing and smiling

If you are feeling ready to make a change then look no further for the best exercise classes in Brisbane! Recharged Personal Training runs a number of group fitness classes for all ages and abilities which are guaranteed to have you active and energised for the new year. For just $110 you can grab a 10-class pass and commit to 10 fantastic, fitness experiences which will get you hooked!

a list of the exercise classes at Recharged Personal TrainingBoxercise

Want toned arms, high endurance and the hyper focus of an athlete? Join our Boxercise group fitness class for the best exercise classes to pump up your cardio and add lean, toned muscles to your 2022 look. We move through a circuit of high intensity activities that you can tailor to your ability while sweating to fresh beats in our friendly studio. 

Energise HIIT

This is the ‘go hard’ style of class where short, intense bursts of activity with regular rests means you push your body to the limit and get the maximum result for your efforts. HIIT stand for High Intensity Interval Training which means between 20 seconds to 1 minute of activity and then a short break before another burst of hardcore training. This is the best exercise class to get your heart rate high and your endorphins higher!
multiple people in gym on bikes and lying on their backs doing exercises

Vinyasa Yoga

A successful fitness routine is all about balance and if you are going hard in our exercise classes then you need to be stretching those muscles to maximise flexibility and recovery. Our Vinyasa instructor uses your breath to lead your body in deep relaxation and release. This is a vital counterpoint to the lactic acid build up you receive from our other more strength based classes. Don’t think it will be easy though! Vinyasa is a flowing yoga so balance and precision are vital. Luckily you will be supported by your instructor through each transition. 

Sign up for our exercise classes and make the new year feel good!