a pair of feet poking out from a bed

Do some people have workout motivation and some people don’t? How do you get motivated if it’s the last thing you want to do? Are personal trainers freaks of nature who just naturally want to push their bodies every day? You may sometimes feel like you are not cut out to stick to a workout routine but I promise you that the answer to consistent workouts is easier than you think. Try a few of our time-tested strategies and before you know it, you’ll be pumped for your daily workout and on-track to be our client of the month!a pair of feet poking out from a bed

Motivation vs habit.

Motivation is working yourself up to follow through with an action. A habit is something you do regularly without thinking about it. Which sounds easier to you? Pick a time of day and an activity (running, walking, yoga, exercise app- it doesn’t matter) and set your alarm. Now keep this up for 6 weeks and presto! You have your exercise habit locked in. finder about to press snooze on phone alarm

Mini mental steps.


What are you thinking about when you work up to your exercise of choice? If you are imagining the struggle you have already started to psych yourself out! Break it into small steps: put on socks, put on shoes, set up the video/ app/ bike. Break the activity into the small steps you need to do and tackle them one at a time. Before you know it you are halfway through your run without a second thought!

Don’t disappoint!


It’s easy to talk yourself out of a workout so lock your motivation in by recruiting a mate! If you make plans to work out with a friend you have to show up or you are letting them down too. If you can’t find someone to work out with you can enlist a personal trainer. We have heard every excuse under the sun and know how to call out the lies and uncover the real barriers (fear, discomfort, boredom). Let us keep you accountable and set you up in the good habit you need to stay on track. two women in workout gear sipping smoothies

Your workout motivation starts today- just give us a call!

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