measuring tape on scale

One of the biggest searches online is “how to get skinny fast” and the answer is so simple it will astound you! Don’t eat. Doesn’t sound very healthy does it? It’s not. At Recharged Personal Training we won’t put our client’s health at risk: physical or mental. We know that reducing body weight comes in many forms: water weight, crash starvation, losing a limb; while people can actually put on weight (as muscle) and look leaner than they did at a lower weight.

Ask yourself “why?”

boxing counter with 300 on screen

At first it might seem like skinny is a body shape ideal but who is really promoting that? Advertising. Models, actors and singers are part of an industry designed to sell you things by making you feel bad. We are offering to sell you something too but it’s the best thing you can do for your body and mind! Working out in a positive, small studio is a safe and effective way to build muscle, increase fitness and change how you use your body with positive results.

Positive mind, positive body, positive life.

three beautiful women looking at the camera

To find happiness make sure your values and your actions align. Do you really think there is only one form of body ideal? Just look at the amazing bodies of our athletes and how diverse they are! We believe in helping you find exercise enjoyable and exhilarating. Our varied personal training sessions and group fitness classes are designed to be supportive while still challenging. Drop any toxic thoughts with our friendly team and healthy approach to fitness!

Make a studio appointment today!

Our studio in Virginia on the Brisbane northside is the perfect set-up to get the most out of your workout for the least expense. Value for money relies on you getting outcomes from the service. A $10 weekly super gym isn’t a good deal if you don’t turn up, or your workouts aren’t pushing you to your limit. Likewise a home gym with a shiny multipurpose weights rig or top of the line peloton needs you using it regularly to pay off. By choosing a personal trainer you get the best value from your hard earned dollar because we make sure you turn up and do the work.coloured dumbells

What to look for in a Brisbane gym.

Ideally you want an exciting mix of cardio and weights to keep your heart rate up and build muscle fibres. Our studio offers:

Cardio: stationary bikes, assault bike, skierg, watergrinder, skipping ropes, stair runs.

Weights: free weights, benches, mix of weight machines, leg press.

Body weight: bands, walls, abdominal tower, straps, benches, bosu, half bosu.

In big gyms you need instruction on how to safely use much of this equipment and at home you may not have the space or want to invest in such a variety of equipment. Let us keep you interested with our varied workouts!mans hand on a rower machine

How to choose your Brisbane gym.

Location and availability are going to be the two main factors to consider. Price is relative to value so hopefully you can see the advantage of a personal trainer (we do fitness classes too). Our studio is on a side street off Sandgate Rd and offers on street and off street parking. Our shower facilities make it easy to sneak in a workout before and after work or on a lunch break. Contact us to see if we have time available which suits you!skipping rope coiled in a neat pile

Choose our studio and let your body thank you afterwards!

Signing up to a personal trainer isn’t just searching ‘best gym brisbane’ and picking from the first page. You need to have the right mix of availability, proximity and positive connection with your Trainer. If you haven’t tried a personal trainer before and you are looking for a way to get back some consistency with your exercise book a studio tour with Recharged Personal Training and be on track to the best shape of your life for as little as $10 a session (Group Class) and $25 each a session (three-on-one personal training).metal weights on the ground

Brisbane Personal Trainers or Group Fitness Classes.

We have four amazing trainers at Recharged Personal Training Studio to choose from: Gary, Bryce, TC and Brian. They offer one-on-one, two-on-one or three-on-one training so you can share costs and stay motivated with a friend or partner. To support our personal training sessions the studio runs group fitness classes such as HIIT, Boxercise and Vinyasa Yoga. Combining a personal training session/ group class with other activities of your choice such as walking, running or cycling you will hit your move targets and build the strength and endurance you need to be healthy in body and mind.kettle bell on the ground

Make your fitness a priority by using our expertise.

We take the motivation off your workload by sending you reminders and offering encouragement to show up, do your session and walk away feeling powerful and successful. We know the balance between pushing you to do your best and adjusting your routine to feel achievable. Our long history of providing consistent, reliable, quality service is how we’ve stayed the best gym in Brisbane according to our clients!boxing bag hanging in gym

Book a studio tour or join one of our fitness classes and see for yourself.