Boxing classes are not designed to turn you into a prize fighter! Rather, they steal techniques from the world’s top athletes to hone your strength and cardio fitness with a holistic program. The functional fitness of boxing requires agility, endurance and explosive power, united in the coordination of major muscle groups. If you want lean, strong arms combined with a tight core, then it’s time you tried a boxing class at Recharged Personal Training.woman punching with a partner

Boxing is a short struggle for a long reward

Ever find your arms get tired just from hanging out the washing? Or you get puffed walking up a hill? How about the heavy jiggle of your gut as you jog down the stairs? These are everyday experiences that can be transformed with our high-intensity boxing classes. We promise we won’t break you! Our precision circuit works your upper and lower body in tandem through your core. The stamina you build in class will make the rest of your week seem like a breeze. For as little as $10 a class (with our 10-class pass) you can be a lean, keen, fitness machine!woman with muscles and gloves

I’m a lover not a fighter!

Boxing isn’t about aggression, however, if you had a bad day at work we promise you’ll feel better after a session! When you work your cardiovascular system using high-intensity training, and give yourself breaks with intervals, the endorphins flood through your system! And the everyday benefits don’t stop there. If you want to have the most delicious drink you’ve ever tasted, then bring a water bottle along (these are a must) and take a slug at the end of the class. You won’t believe you bottled heaven from the tap! Join our friendly crew and make a 45-minute class the capstone of your ready to punch a punching bag

Want more? Check out all our fitness classes

The simple rule for weight loss is to create a calorie deficit where you consume less than you burn. There are many different ways to achieve this. At Recharged Personal Training, quality of life is just as important as getting that balance right. We can provide you with high-quality, targeted personal training once or twice a week (or more if you want!) but what else could you be doing outside those hours? Walking is easy to integrate into your everyday life and brings surprising results. However, there are some caveats:pink trainer shoes walking

It must be everyday

Consistency is the cornerstone to walking for weight loss. Remember in the 2000s when everyone wore pedometers and tried to hit 10,000 steps a day? That’s both an amusing retro memory AND the correct attitude. You want to move significantly more than you currently do (unless you already walk for a living), so first understand that this will take time (and yes, we do mean literal time, since walking places is slower than driving or using an electric scooter). Also make sure you use a pedometer, Fitbit, Apple watch or some kind of tracking device for external confirmation you’re actually doing as much walking as you think. Set a goal of 10,000 steps a day and see if you can keep it up for a month!man silhouette against the ocean

It must be enjoyable

Without a positive feedback loop, it’s unlikely you will turn this effort into an ongoing habit. So in pursuit of those 10,000 steps, plan how you will enjoy the exercise. Some ideas include:

  • Drive to a beautiful natural setting, for example a beach, bushland or the waterfront.
  • Bring a friend to stay motivated and keep you company.
  • Walk your dog or someone else’s (thus doing a good deed at the same time).
  • Create a playlist of your favourite songs or new music you want to explore.
  • Listen to audiobooks or podcasts.
  • Bring a journal and record your thoughts at the halfway point. Tune into how you feel and think after being energised by walking.friends hiking in the bush

It must be part of a holistic health plan

All that said, walking is just one part of taking care of yourself. A positive mindset, nutritious food and loving connections with friends and family are also key facets of interconnected physical and mental health. To take care of only the body is to miss out on the point of health, which is feeling good so we can enjoy our lives. At Recharged Personal Training we set realistic, achievable goals and work with you to make the journey to meet them satisfying while sweaty. Health is a continuum and walking is a literal and figurative way to stay on track for the rest of your life.

So what are you waiting for? Lace up those shoes and head out.

In the meantime, share your favourite walking tracks – both physical and on your playlist – with us!