You don’t wanna know…

If I had a dollar for every client wanting to do the ‘abs workout that gets rid of belly fat’ I could do my job for free. My clients refer to the rippling 6-pack (or 8-pack if you are ambitious) you see on the front of ‘Health’ magazines and in movies. Those lean toned tummies are often accentuated with an aesthetic strategy of dehydration prior to the photo shoot (don’t try it at home). A toned middle section doesn’t exist in isolation. Muscle is what sits under fat and you need to balance diet and exercise to achieve such idealised physiques. Or maybe there is a better way?

The saying “abs are made in the kitchen” also applies to the bottle shop.

Core strength is vital to balance, back strength, mobility and should be a part of your fitness routine. A ripped ab workout refers to an aesthetic ideal which requires low body fat, rigorous exercise and if you are lucky, helpful genetics. We can absolutely help you look fitness model fresh if that is your heart’s desire but let’s take a gentle path instead of going hard and blowing the program in week five. Most get fit quick ‘fitness overhauls’ mean you will need to permanently replace champagne and camembert with creatine and coconut water- is that how you want to live the rest of your life? Booze and belly fat are best mates. As you feel better it gets easier to make better choices for your body.

So thirsty…

Keep track of your body and mind.

No one likes being told what to do- especially you. That’s what happens every time you say to yourself “right, it’s just kale and green smoothies until I get on track and then I’ll focus on my fitness!”. As if! Your workouts need to be fun and motivating to keep you coming back. Once you feel those endorphins rushing it’s easier to make wholefood choices to keep that body buzz going. Get in touch with us to start a new plan and ease into a whole new way to live. 

Our workouts are abs-olutely the best!

If you are googling ‘personal trainer prices’, you are ready to get started for as little as $25 a session. At Recharged Personal Training we want everyone to achieve a healthy, active lifestyle. This is why we offer 1:1 $60, 2:1 $70, 3:1 $75 personal training options. You can split the cost of a 45-minute session between one or two family members or friends. This option is ideal to keep you motivated!

Flexible options for any budget.

Exercise is free- all you need is a body and some self-discipline. That said, it is important to have good technique to exercise effectively and avoid injury. By using a personal trainer you ensure your workout is tailored to your mobility and continuously improves as you do. You can then take this improved fitness and expertise to the streets: running, yoga, sport or cycling can all be adjunct activities to your core training regime. You will love how much energy and strength you build from our rigorous cardio and weights balanced programs.

I want more! What else can I do?

If you just can’t get enough of the fantastic Recharged Personal Training feeling then join our group fitness classes! For as little as $10 per class (10 session card for $100) you can jump in on boxercise, energise HIIT, vinyasa yoga or mums ‘n’ bubs postnatal workout. Personal training is much more cost-effective than the gym membership you don’t use or the app you never open. 

man lifting weights

Train in our hygienic, sanitised small studio and feel the improvement!