The studio is open from the 16th June!

Here’s the thing, sometimes being responsible and staying home for the short-term can have long-term consequences. Even if you kept up some daily exercise, all of the incidental movement we did every day: walking to the office, into schools, to cafes, shopping; has been cut back for public safety which is great for our immediate health but bad for long term active lifestyle requirements. Don’t worry! Our studio is open to boost you back into strength and conditioning. 

Don’t resist resistance training!

If your work pants are too tight or your back hurts from sitting all day, it’s time to hit the weights. Let our professional expertise lead you through a tailored program to get lean muscle and strong posture. 

We want you fit and healthy for the winter so book a personal trainer for $60 per week. You can split the session with one or two friends so the price could be as low as $20 a week!

Recharged Personal Training also has fitness classes from $10 a session (with a 10-class pass) if you want to sweat, safely.

Social distancing and strict hygiene

We have stringent COVID19 practices at the gym which is a private studio and rigorously cleaned for each client. We ask you to bring your own towel and water bottle, sanitise your hands on entry and we fastidiously wipe down all equipment between use. 

The studio has had a refresh so there has never been a better and safer time to start!

Message us to book a time in the studio from the 16th June!

Feeling chonky from all the snacks? You aren’t alone (even though you are isolated). Lots of us are getting our steps up wandering from the couch to fridge and back again. There is nothing wrong with putting on weight, especially in this unusual time, but maintaining a healthy diet and staying active is a big part of good mental health. Many of the internet memes have highlighted the 1pm ‘work’ drinks and constant snacking but if you aren’t feeling great, maybe it’s time to try some new habits. 

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Hot drinks before cold brewskies

It’s tempting to start the afternoon drinks earlier and earlier- especially when there is nowhere to drive to and nothing to do. Not only is alcohol full of empty calories but it also slows your metabolism, dehydrates you and reduces your inhibitions which stop you from eating the whole packet of family chips in one sitting. Set some clear limits around what you want to drink and try choosing a green or herbal tea instead. The hot liquid fills you up, the antioxidants are great for you and you can keep a clear head. Also think about why you are wanting that beer or wine- so you need a break? Instead of tuning out with booze, give yourself permission to take a 20minute game/ puzzle/ reading break from your work. Slacking off is still a better choice than blacking out!

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Water goals are their own reward

Boredom snacking is a thing but the antidote is simple: water. Dehydration can sometimes feel like hunger but unlike snacks, water won’t weigh you down. Keep a water bottle at hand near your workstation and set a challenge to drink through 2 litres minimum a day. Slow and steady is better than all in one go. 

The advantage of lots of water is lots of toilet breaks! Break up your workday to fill your water bottle and use the bathroom- what variety! If you want to jazz up your water, add slices of lime or lemon, cucumber and mint or slices of ginger. Ooooh, what a tasty hydration cocktail!

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Raw, Fresh, Crunchy: Snack Substitutes

No one can deny that chips are the most delicious snack, no wonder seagulls will kill for them. Alas, you can have too much of a good thing so it’s time to ditch salty snacks and colourful lollies for the crunch and colour of raw fresh veggies. Our bodies are primed to sugar and fat so they will leave us wanting more until we feel sick. Cut up some cucumber, celery and carrot in a container and put some chopped apple and orange in the fridge and you have your savoury and sweet snacks for the day. It will take a week to adjust your tastebuds but I promise you will feel fresher for it. Be like a productive rabbit and nibble your way through the day!

If you need some one-on-one personal training to kick back into good habits, reach out.

Got some great iso-snack hacks? Share them with us!