Are you sick of staring at a screen yet? Have you given up on pants entirely? You need some fun activities in lockdown to keep you moving, motivated and maintaining enough activity to justify your daily shower (please make sure you are still doing that).

screens and mug on desk

Fun Activity 1: Sweat and watch clouds

Now more than ever you need to be making time to move, DAILY. Since moving our personal training sessions outdoors we’ve discovered the joys of staring up at a beautiful sky- after a gruelling workout, of course. If you want to experience total calm and the expansive wonder of a limitless blue sky, why not do 15 burpees and lie back in the grass of your backyard (or balcony if you are in an apartment). Repeat three more times- it’s so relaxing!

Some people might argue it’s just as relaxing without the burpees but that isn’t the Recharged Personal Training way!

Fun Activity 2: Pokemon GO! (faster)

Remember Pokemon Go? It’s still a thing! If you want to take the screens with you why not walk or run around your neighbourhood and catch Pokemon while you are at it. It is a surprisingly fun thing to do while running and you can use Pokestops as motivation to do that last 2km. Of course, stay mindful of your surroundings and practice appropriate social distancing, then go catch ‘em all!

If zombies are more your thing there is an audiobook style running companion called Zombies, Run!. You are motivated to keep up your pace and endurance with an award-winning story. Great apocalypse training!

woman in hoodie in front of wall

Fun Activity 3: DIY Deliveroo/ Menulog/ Uber Eats

If you are gonna treat yourself you better WORK! Need some fresh air, a change of scenery and want a tasty snack? Excellent, get on your bike. There is no excuse not to make a quick trip on the bike to pick up some takeaway and support your local cafe/ restaurant with a takeaway order. The more you feel like a change of menu, the further you ride! It’s win/ win!

You could even sign up to be a delivery driver and make a few dollars on the route home!

bike against a wall

Stay safe, stay active

Keeping a positive attitude is a careful balance of what you think you want and what you need. Spend some time outdoors every day and keep active for a simple way to manage the massive change to our lifestyles in a positive way.

Share your fun activities on our Facebook page!

woman on bed doing workout

Getting into a home workout is more important than ever- mental health and physical health are interlinked. Currently, you can still access one on one personal training in an outdoor setting but if that’s not achievable for you, then set aside some time every day to get moving and clear your head. Recharged Training recommends a short 20-minute burst daily for maximum benefits. Consistency is the secret to staying healthy and staying sane.

Free workouts! BYO motivation

There are a number of free apps which can offer home workouts as well as YouTube videos or even the Recharged Training free home workouts every Tuesday. Pick a time every day you plan to work out and go on a fitness degustation! Try a different app or video each day and make a list of the ones you prefer. 

Here are some suggestions:

Let’s sweat but make it fashion!

If you are already working out at home and no one can see you anyway, why not get a little creative with your workouts? There are a whole bunch of dancers, choreographers and circus performers offering tutorials and workout too! Have you wanted to learn a new skill? Now is the time! Why not try:

DIY Home Gym For Less Than $10

All you need for a great workout is two milk bottles filled with water or sand, a skipping rope and a bench or chair. Between that equipment and your own bodyweight you have all the ingredients for a great workout. If you don’t have access to a backyard then find a nice open park and do your workout in the early morning or late afternoon when it isn’t too hot. Take care to avoid touching any equipment or structures on site and bring your own towel and water bottle. COVID19 has changed a lot of our routines so let’s take this opportunity to set up a strong health routine to keep body and spirit in great shape for the next few months.

Reach out via message or text if you need any workout advice